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Online Store Coming Soon!
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Nutrition Consultation: We believe that a good diet is the foundation of a happy, healthy happy pet.  We know that it's confusing to walk the pet food aisles or research on the internet and want to help provide clarity in what to feed your pet.

Our nutrition consultation starts with getting to know your pet's history and current diet and building a plan to ensure optimal nutrition.  We can assist with utilizing your pet’s current diet to “BUILD A BETTER BOWL” or discuss upgrading your kibble to find nutrient-rich ways to ensure your pet's gut biome is happy!

We are happy to do consultations by phone or in-person.  Call or email to schedule an appointment.


Small Animal Massage: Think massage is just for people? Think again!

For years, massage has helped people with relaxation, pain relief, and preventative care.  Massage can do the same for your beloved companion and is provided by a Certified Small Animal Massage Therapist.
Working with your veterinarian, we can come up with a plan that best fits your pet's stage of life, activity level, and behavior. It is very effective in post-operative pets and can help prevent injury and increase overall calmness in your pet.  From puppies and kittens to older dogs and cats, massage can help pets in every life stage be stronger, healthier and happier.